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God (Reality, Absolute) and His manifestation is Being.
God is the only one who has the power of manifestation, therefore all manifestations have their source in Him.
God IS, and His manifestations unfold spontaneously without any reason.
Infinite Consciousness, and individual Consciousness as its manifestation, are processes that unfold spontaneously, without a reason.
We recognise with the mind the manifestation of individual Consciousness in time and space as our life, and acknowledging our own existence, and being unable to deny the fact of our existence, we lose the need for further proof of our existence.
The mind based on the principle of duality creates an appearance of separateness, so that he or she thinks that the things happening to him or her are disconnected and particular to him or her alone, thus loosing the perspective of the whole ("picture").
Through the devotional-meditative (prayerful-witnessing) process the mind harmonises with Consciousness and becomes more and more engaged, with awareness, enabling for a realisation of our essence as infinite, formless, changeless, and that all that changes is nothing more than our mere expressions.
To realise our, human essence, that is - to find for ourselves an "answer" to the question - Who am I?, is the meaning of life which we can find only when, in the state of Being, we free ourselves of all attachment to our individuality and to life as a form of expression (manifestation) of that individuality.
"The faith in the one who knows and that, which is to be known, is called slavery. The one who knows is tied up with what he knows; he is freed when there is nothing that needs to be known."21